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Friday, June 09, 2006 

Guess who's leg this is??

As two of my brothers have already posted leg pictures, which can be found at:




I thought I would jump on the conspiracy bandwagon and flog the perverbial dead horse, so to speak, and post a leg pic of my own. So can anyone guess the injury or the leg? This ones a toughy so ya gotta use your brains!!

Let the guessing begin?

Drum-roll please!!

P.S feel free to click on the picture to get a larger view, so you may perhaps be able to identify the leg or injury in question..thanks, and have a nice flight.

IT is your Dad.

On the back porch.

I'm not sure who it is, but it clearly shouldn't pass as an injury as significant as mine. :)

It's probably more painful than kerux's though.


You are pathetic.

By the way... itchy?

Umm, my dad has a hairy leg..sorry Julian, thats not it. Good try though :-)

'bing' next please :-)

Is it even anyone we know?

Hey Julian, no its not but it was the only leg picture I could find on such short notice(and I dont have any pics of GFC peoples legs)...I dont have an archive like you :-) Its our cousin Daniel from out west and I guess it is possible that you may know him :-)


Wow... we could've been guessing on that one for a while! :)

I'm guessing a severe case of scrawnypastewhiteiness. What's my prize?

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About me

  • I'm TwinsK&D
  • From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Oh, this is about us...um...well theres two of us and we're twins. We both attend Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Canada. We love Jesus Christ and long to be more like Him and to desire Him above all things!
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